My Resources


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December 18, 2020


My Resource feature is related which information is shared or can be accessed by your remote devices, remote application or any other that want to get access through Easyberry IoT REST API.

The user can give permission to read, write or read/write to the Contexts, Things or Dataset. There is some hierarchical rules for the last 3 object. Context1 Dataset1 Thing1 Thing2 Dataset2 Thing1.

These are some statement that are true about the structure above.

1.- Context1 read/write permission give permission to Dataset1,Dataset2,Thing1 and Thing2 to be read/write for the respective user.

             ex. If this user make a GET request to Context1, it can have access to all information related to this context.



   "op": "get",
      "context": [

2.- Dataset2 read/write permission affect to Thing1 permission.

             ex. If this user make a GET request to Dataset2, it can have access to only the information related to this Thing1.



   "op": "get",
      "dataset": [

3.- Thing2 permission to read/write to affect only to Thing2.

             ex. If this user make a GET request to Thing2, it can have access to only the information related to this Thing1.



   "op": "get",
      "thing": [
"thing2" ] }

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